Jurassic Domination (mockbuster) (Decker Shado video)

Jurassic World Dominion was released in the year 2000 and it's not a surprise that The Asylum produced a mockbuster within a week and labelled the film with a similar word "D" and then stocked inexpensive DVD boxes throughout the nation. The Jurassic Domination cover art is very amazing. It depicts a scene Decker Shado motion picture assessments that isn't too different from the storyline of the film and is given as much artistic freedom and as liberally as possible.

Dinosaur Domination, unfortunately, isn't nearly as impressive as the art style depicts it to be. Although it's an Asylum film the sets offer very little diversity and the creatures are displayed at a rate (blog) that is startling. The hardest part is trying understand the story's inner workings.

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